Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Economic impact of the .Jpeg technology (By Alexandra Cristancho Pineda)

The jpeg technology is about image compression fromart that has change the way of sharing and compress files, nowadays this format it's one of the most popular in the people to send images files or using images for web in the beginning and through the diffrent changes and evolution of the format images, the jpeg has increasingly been popular, the reason is that this format of image compression it's really efficient in terms of time and usability, the colors in the image have the full information that it's like 16 million  of colors and the image keeps good quality.

This method of image compression was developed thanks to the idea of a  group of experts in photography that focused in research  the digital image processing, these group of people were called Join Photographic Experts Group, they develop this format in 1992 but then in 2000's they created another format called Jpeg2000 to replace the original, this format has been  a little bit with less success than the other one beacause a problems with the patents. 
The Jpeg works as an algorithmic of lossy compression, this algorim is based in two particular ways of change the luminosity and the objects recognition. if you want to see an example about differences here.

Same as jpeg has become internationally known and used by all, we must have in mind that this
format has disadvantages as well, as for example the loss in the quality of the image, i'ts true that in the most cases we didn't notice a huge difference in the quality of the  compressed image, there some cases that when a jpeg work with a file that has text or certain types of icons that really shows how the quality is lost. In
another aspect that the jpeg is weak is the incompatibility with the transparencies, for example if i wish have an image jpeg with a transparent background, this not it'll allow and added automatically a white background in the image, also the fact that any time that size increases is more evident the mistakes in the images, this is for work with a high compression of the file, if there's more less compression  a lot of better quality, so in this type of cases the best candidate for this files is another format called PNG
The technology jpeg is a format of commpression of image that change everything because today thanks to the internet the images has become in one of the main content thats it's the most share in this network , and have a high grade of relevance in this society. The format in which images are shared becomes an important factor among those who wish to share images, the variety of different formats that each one exist with a particular context to the image and jpeg has become the format for being the best of universal use in the images. The differences from the other formats is the efficiency,quality and  the size of the image, but there is certain type of programs or situations that maybe doesn't have some type of compatibility with images.


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